When you need urgent cash, you start looking for potential buyers who can pay you a decent deal for your scrap vehicle, but most of the time, buyers haggle with the price and curtail quotes taking undue advantage of written-off cars. Scrapping with reputed auto wreckers can eliminate such fuss and help you get fair payments. Besides, you don’t need to drag your vehicle to a scrapyard, unlike private sales. scrap car buyers will pick up your accidental car using modern towing trucks and reduce carbon emissions, thereby making scrap car removal a pleasing experience.
Trading in scrap car metals is an ideal way to make quick money and our auto wreckers make it possible using eco-friendly techniques. We dismantle workable components from the mainframe and make genuine auto parts available to buyers at reasonable rates. Abandoned vehicles often contain priceless metals that fetch high value and that’s why partnering with scrap metal recyclers is a wise decision. We pay for every workable component and destroy hazardous liquids that would lead to groundwater pollution.
At AEG Cash for Cars, we accept all make, models and brand, including:
- Used cars
- Accidental 4WDs
- Unwanted UTE’s
- Obsolete vans
- Old sedans
- Written off cars
- Unregistered vehicles
- Engine-dead cars